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Do you offer no cost estimates?Yes, certainly. All our estimates are free, and we are pleased to assess your trees, provide a quote, share our opinion, and recommend the necessary tree work.
Hey, could you help me out real quick?We can provide a written quotation after conducting a site visit on the same day.
How soon can you start the work?We endeavour to provide a quotation within 24 hours. Upon acceptance, commencement of work is feasible within 3-4 working days, contingent on the absence of tree protection constraints. Our scheduling is flexible, allowing us to accommodate your specific requirements. With multiple operational teams working consistently, we are adept at addressing urgent requests promptly.
When is the best time to trim my tree?Most tree species are resilient to pruning and can tolerate it year-round without significant adverse effects. We analyse each case individually and recommend an on-site visit for a fully informed view.
Is it okay if I trim my neighbour's tree?You have the option to prune any overhanging branches up to the property line. We recommend discussing your plans with your neighbour to maintain a harmonious relationship.
My neighbour mentioned an issue with my tree. What do you think I should do about it?You are legally responsible for ensuring that your trees do not cause harm or nuisance to the public or your neighbours. It is essential to have a professional arborist inspect them regularly to fulfill this duty. Furthermore, if your neighbour's request is reasonable, it is crucial to consider appropriate tree work.
Do I need permission from the council before removing a tree from my property?Even if you own the tree, it may be subject to a tree preservation order or in a conservation area. Undertaking any work on a protected tree without permission incurs substantial penalties. We can facilitate all requisite permissions as part of our service. Our estimates include applying to the local authority (if required) for permission to perform tree work.
Is it possible for a tree to regrow after being poisoned or having its stump ground out?Typically, no; however, some species can be particularly resilient. In such cases, we can revisit the site to apply additional poison or further excavate the stump if necessary.
When is council permission needed for tree work?We have established a strong rapport with London councils over many years of providing tree services. Generally, most tree work does not require council permission. However, for trees located in conservation areas or those protected by a tree preservation order, we must consult with the council before proceeding.
Access to my garden is only possible through our house. Are you still able to help?We regularly help homeowners with gardens accessible only through the house. We guarantee that your property will be left as we found it, and we can provide protective materials like Correx at no additional cost.
Please explain how you dispose of waste?Canopy Climbers provides professional tree services, ensuring a clean and eco-friendly process. We take pride in collaborating with numerous local allotments in the North London area.

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